اینو دیدی

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

اینو دیدی

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

به سوی یک طراحی برای سازمان مبتنی بر پروژه

اختصاصی از اینو دیدی به سوی یک طراحی برای سازمان مبتنی بر پروژه دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

به سوی یک طراحی برای سازمان مبتنی بر پروژه

به سوی یک طراحی برای سازمان مبتنی بر پروژه

عنوان لاتین :

Towards a design for the project-based organization

سال انتشار :


منبع :



Organization design is an established field of research within organization studies, focusing on different organizational forms, the array of the design strategies available to managers and their external and internal contingencies. However, our understanding of the complementary design choices available to managers of project-based organizations is limited. Building on both organization theory and design and project management literature this study identifies design choices available for the design of the project-based organization. Adopting the contingency perspective, it reviews the literature on project-based organizations to explore key factors that influence the design of the project-based organization in comparison with more traditional organizations. The resulting model offers a starting point for further studies on the design of the project-based organization. The study concludes by suggesting a research agenda in light of the results.

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به سوی یک طراحی برای سازمان مبتنی بر پروژه