مونوپاد اصلی یانگ تنگ
قیمت کالا : 37000
ارسال رایگان در محدوده شهر سنگر
مونوپاد اصلی یانگ تنگ
مونوپاد اصلی یانگ تنگ
قیمت کالا : 37000
ارسال رایگان در محدوده شهر سنگر
پاوربانک ریمکس 2600
قیمت کالا : 40000
ارسال رایگان در محدوده شهر سنگر
Adaptive Control and Adaptive Signal Processing are areas of sufficient importance and maturity to warrant the publication of a journal exclusively devoted to these topics. The International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing is concerned with the design synthesis and application of estimators or controllers for uncertain systems. Papers which cover all aspects of the theory and application of adaptive systems are of interest. Contributions which explore the links between Adaptive Signal Processing and Control will be encouraged. Some papers on the design of controllers or estimators for uncertain systems which may not be strictly adaptive also fall within the scope of the journal. Application papers are particularly encouraged along with those which deal with the numerical aspects of the algorithms. Papers on the related aspects of software engineering expert systems intelligent control and filtering algorithms are also sought. Principal areas to be addressed include - Self-Tuning Control Model Reference and Adaptive Controllers Robust and Intelligent Controllers Adaptive Signal Processing Adaptive Control Applications Adaptive Signal Processing Applications VLSI Implementation of Adaptive Systems Discrete Event Processes Computer Networks Dynamic Routing Adaptive Control of QueueingInternational Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing website (full text articles available online)