اینو دیدی

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

اینو دیدی

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

تحقیق درموردمتن انگلیسی صیادی اصلی

اختصاصی از اینو دیدی تحقیق درموردمتن انگلیسی صیادی اصلی دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

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فرمت فایل word  و قابل ویرایش و پرینت

تعداد صفحات: 9



repairing-building-contractor · If building your own house is so great, why aren’t more people doing it? That’s a good question. I’ve wondered that for about the last ten years. I know when I was building my house I was very apprehensive about the whole thing. I remember thinking, “This can’t be as good a deal as it seems. Soon I’ll find out why more people don’t do it.” But you know what? That day never came. The project cost a little more than I had planned, but not much more. It was a lot of hard work, but it felt good to work hard on something I hoped would be a good thing. Now, after counseling others to do the same and seeing their success, the question is still unanswered.

I really don’t have a good answer for that. I suppose it has something to do with people not knowing all the facts. People don’t care about the facts because the thought of them putting on the tool belt and doing something so far beyond them doesn’t even merit consideration in their minds. They are self-defeating and certainly don’t consider themselves competent to undertake such a big project. To those of us who dare to dream and actually do something to reach our dreams, the reward is there waiting for us. Rewards that are not only financial, but emotional as well. It is so satisfying to see a project through to the end and watch the appraisers actually put a dollar amount on your sweat equity. It was so amazing to me how much my hard work was worth. That equity is valuable to me as a homeowner.

A few years before I built my house, I remember reading somewhere that if a person did all his or her own work instead of hiring it out, that person could save as much as 30% on the cost of the house. I thought to myself, “Man, that’s not worth busting my hump just to save 30%.” I asked my friend that had built his own house, if that was correct. He said, “That’s hogwash, you’ll save almost 2/3 the cost of the house if you do everything yourself.” So, I went on faith and did my own construction and my numbers speak for themselves. It worked out that my savings came in at a little over 60%. That’s really good equity.


· Dealing with inspectors is too much of a pain; I hate it when other people tell me what I can or can’t do. It’s hard getting told what to do. I remember having a particularly mean teacher in school when I was in the sixth grade. Man, that teacher was pure evil. She had armor-piercing eyes and a nasty disposition. In this day, a teacher like that would be drawn and quartered by the parents or the superintendent the first day of class, but in those days, strict teachers that used a paddle were heroes to the parents. I think it was right around that time in my life that I developed a big dislike for authority. I’m cool with supervisors and foremen as long as they are doing what’s right and are acting in the best interest of the company and the employee. I just really hate it when people tell me that I’ve screwed up and that’s what inspectors get paid to do. They’re nice about it though. One Electrical Inspector even told me, “I don’t really care about rules and regulations; I just don’t want you and your family to burn up.” How can you argue with that? The subject of inspectors is one I’ve beat on too many times already. You can’t argue with them because it won’t get you anywhere. It’s their plump rump on the line if something goes wrong with a new dwelling. We all hate being told what to do, but sometimes it’s for our own good. I still think that teacher was evil though. No doubt about it. · You have to be smart to build a house.

I’m a man of average intelligence (and that’s a stretch). I know a lot of carpenters and tradesmen, but I don’t think any of them design rockets for NASA or teach Astrophysics in the evening. Building a house doesn’t take a lot of intelligence but you do have to have the ability to concentrate on what you’re doing. Some of my biggest and costliest mistakes were made because I was thinking about other things. Making mistakes is all right as long as they’re not mistakes that injure you. When I’m doing work with a circular saw however; it gets my complete, undivided attention. You know, I used to work around all kinds of saws. Some were huge circular saws six feet in diameter. Others were double-edged band saws forty feet long and

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تحقیق درموردمتن انگلیسی صیادی اصلی

تحقیق و بررسی در مورد استپر موتور به زبان انگلیسی

اختصاصی از اینو دیدی تحقیق و بررسی در مورد استپر موتور به زبان انگلیسی دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

لینک دانلود و خرید پایین توضیحات

فرمت فایل word  و قابل ویرایش و پرینت

تعداد صفحات: 6


استپر موتور به زبان انگلیسی





Stepper motors are great to use in robotics. By energizing the coils in the motor

in a particular sequence, a motor takes 48 or more small, precise steps

to make one full revolution. If you are using two of these motors to drive your

 robot’s wheels, you can get good control over how far it travels by making the

 motors travel x many steps forwards or backwards. That’s assuming you can

 find stepper motor drivers, of course. I’ve always had problems finding

good servo drivers. Once I was even reduced to using discreet components

(say it isn’t so!) to drive my steppers.

Then I got my hands on the L293D motor driver chip (See motors part 1)

and life got a lot easier. The L293D contains two H-bridges for driving small DC

 motors. Now the home-viewing audience might say: "Rob, it’s easy to drive DC

motors. What I need to do is drive a stepper motor." No problem. After all,

what is a DC motor but a coil and the L293D drives two of them backwards

 or forwards. That’s what stepper are - two (or more) coils being

 driven in a sequence, backwards and forwards. So one L293D can, in

theory, drive one bi-polar 2 phase stepper, if you supply the sequence.

I found some close-out two-phase bi-polar steppers (part#117954) in the

 Jameco Catalog. For six bucks plus shipping I get a 7.5 degree stepper

 with 48 steps per revolution. The stepper motor runs at about 5

volts and pulls 800 milli-amps of current. That’s a lot of current so

 I can expect my chips to heat up. The way I fix the heat problem

is by gluing a heat sink to the top of the chip. Any piece of metal

 three or four times the size of the chip will do. If things get real

hot, I use a small fan to move air over the top of the heat sink.




I realize that Seattle has developed it’s own mutant breed of

 controller circuits, I think it’s based on the 68HC12, but I have

 successfully resisted all attempts to be lured to the dark side

 of the force and will continue to use the BS-2 (Basic Stamp II). Here

is a real quick description of the L293D inputs:

1, 9 Enable pins. Hook them together and you can either keep them high

and run the motor all the time, or you can control them

with your own controller.

2,7,10, 15 Control the two coils. Here is how you pulse them

 for a single cycle:




























3,6,11,14 Here is where you plug in the two coils. You want to ohm them out

and make sure you get one coil hooked up to 3,6 and another

 one hooked up to 11,14.

4,5,12,13 Gets hooked to ground.

8 Motor voltage, usually about 6 volts.

16 +5 volts. It’s a good idea to keep this power supply separate

from your motor power.

And here is the schematic to hook the BS-2 and the L293D together. Hey, I’ve even

included the code!



The software to program the Basic Stamp II can be found in stepprog.bs2

Notice that this single chip can handle a two coil stepper otherwise known

 as a two-phase stepper motor. If you want to do more than that, you need more

 chips. The cool thing is that if you have multiple steppers and you want to drive

them one at a time (say on a PC board driller), it’s easy to have multiple L293Ds

 driven on the same line.




Let’s say you get this thing all hooked up to your microcontroller

 and it doesn’t work. Here are a couple of symptoms and what they

 point to as the cause. Since I’ve had the misfortune of experiencing

each one of these problems personally, I thought I might be able

to save you a little time and pain.

Symptom: The stepper motor shaft turns easily with fingers.

Cause/solution: No power to the circuitry, no power to the motor, or enable pin is low.

Symptom: Everything on, but motor is locked in one position.

Cause/solution: The L293D got the first position and that’s all. Check software, check connections, and check that the hard-wired ports match the software.

 You might want to pull out the logic probe.

Symptom: Everything on, stepper is shifting in position, but the motor won’t turn.

Cause/solution: The correct line isn’t getting pulsed. Either the

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تحقیق و بررسی در مورد استپر موتور به زبان انگلیسی

پاورپوینت درباره Windows 8 به زبان انگلیسی

اختصاصی از اینو دیدی پاورپوینت درباره Windows 8 به زبان انگلیسی دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

پاورپوینت درباره Windows 8 به زبان انگلیسی


—What is Windows 8?
—What are some new features of Windows 8?

 Critics and Effects to people’s lives

ØThe next generation of Microsoft Windows.
ØAn operating system produced by Microsoft.
ØPrimarily focuses on TOUCH.

Is used for personal computers

—The touch factor.
—Picture Password.
—New File Copy Confirmation dialog box.
—Support for USB 3.0
—Native support for mounting VHD and ISO disc images.
—Faster boot time.

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پاورپوینت درباره Windows 8 به زبان انگلیسی